
Clash of clan strategy level 6
Clash of clan strategy level 6

clash of clan strategy level 6

Deploy them in pairs of two, so air bombs don't do too much damage.

clash of clan strategy level 6

Now you are ready to start deploying your balloons.

clash of clan strategy level 6

Also, destroy any builders in the corners using either a barb or archer. You also need to take out the air defense using your giant, your wall breaker, and your archers. Use a few archers to get all the troops out of the castle, then get them in an area, and use your wizards, lightning spells and some archers to take them out. The second weakness is clan castle troops. When looking for a base to attack, make sure that the air defense is close to the edge of the base, so you can take it out easily. The first one, of course, is air defenses. When attacking, remember that the balloons have 3 weaknesses. This is an expensive strategy, mainly for trophies. If you are a TH 6, with upgraded camps, then you will need 20 balloons, 1 wall breaker, 1 giant, 1 wizard, 4 barbs, 2 lightning spells, and the rest archers. This is an attack strategy for a TH level 5-7, that uses balloons.

Clash of clan strategy level 6